The Handheld Signing Math & Science Dictionaries for Deaf
and Hard of Hearing Museum Visitors Research Project

Pilot Test Video Clips

Family Visitors
Science in the Park

Clip 1 shows a deaf child using the sign for lever at the "Big See Saw" activity.

Clip 2 shows a father and son arriving at the "Get Into the Swing" activity.

Clip 3 shows a deaf child and her parents at the "Jump" activity.

Clip 4 shows a deaf child and her parents at the "Race" activity.

Clip 5 shows a mother and two of her hearing children at the "Race" activity.

Family Visitors
Take a Closer Look

Clip 6 shows a family at the "Time Lapse Video".

Clip 7 shows a hearing child at the "Seeing Heat" activity.

Clip 8 shows a deaf child at the "Hot or Cold?" activity.

School Visitors
Science in the Park: School

This clip shows a pair of deaf students at the "Seeing Heat" activity.
